Friday Flashback: 2009 Holiday vendors
Thanks to the wonder of the WayBack Machine at the Internet Archive, we found some long lost vendor lists from our very first shows. We'll be posting them here in hopes they'll trigger the same good memories for you that they do for us. This was the first year we did a show on Larchmere, if memory serves, hence the note below about east and west.
Please note: E or W denotes east or west side show; some vendors will be at both, some won't, so be sure to come to both great events!
- B. Radley (E, W)
- CosyKnits (literally) (W)
- Craft_t_chic (E, W)
- Bridget Ginley (E, W)
- garbella (E, W)
- huffalo (E, W)
- jeannie knits (W)
- CAPtivations (W)
- Jeneration Design Studio (E)
- La Jolie Femme De Marron (E)
- Lime Green Rhinestones (W)
- Mandizzle (W)
- My Cat Has Cancer (E)
- Oddball Press (W)
- Lulu's Stabby Critters (W)
- Ramona Pacheco (W)
- Reware Vintage (W)
- SilverMade Studio (W)
- SJDF (E, W)
- Solidio (W)
- Stephie Lou (E, W)
- Strhess (W)
- Susan K Jewelry (E, W)
- Tugboat Printshop (W)
- NO Whey! candies (E)
- 1820 House (E, W)
- Bernie's Girl (W)
- Blue Orchid Handbags (W)
- BuzzBuzz Designs (W)
- Callista Designs (E, W)
- Candra Squire's Big Ideas (E, W)
- Caseybot (W)
- CAZ Designs (E, W)
- Choco-A-Go-Go (W)
- C.L.E. Clothing Co. (E, W)
- Cleo Dee's (E, W)
- Cleveland Rock And Roll (E)
- Carol & Johns (W)
- CreativExpressions76 (E)
- Curious Embellishments (E)
- Eden Essentials (E)
- Elizabeth Vilkas Designs (E)
- epidemick clothing & design (E, W)
- erika originals (E)
- Mary Moon Designs (W)
- pickledaliens (W)
- From Andrea Lynn (W)
- funvelopes (W)
- Fusion Studios (E, W)
- Get Felt Up! (E, W)
- Gina DeSantis Ceramics (E, W)
- GrowBots Design (W)
- Hey Carrie Ann (E, W)
- holly hue clothing (W)
- In the Loft Designs (E, W)
- jilsy designs (W)
- Joo Joo Bee (E)
- Knitgrrl Studio (E, W)
- Lake Quinsigamond Pottery (W)
- Lilly Handmade Chocolates (W)
- lindsayknits (W)
- Lise Anderson Jewelry (E, W)
- london purple (W)
- Mallory Hill Designs (W)
- Ladies Pirate Society (W)
- oblinaknit (W)
- Oceanne (E, W)
- Once Lost (E, W)
- Pearl & Marmalade (W)
- Prosperity (W)
- Psycho Reindeer (E, W)
- PterodactylPants (W)
- RedRaven Studios (E, W)
- Rescued and Reloved (E, W)
- RoVals Boutique (E, W)
- Sassyfrass (E, W)
- small screen designs (E, W)
- SpaceDog Studios (W)
- Stitch n' Bitch Cleveland (E, W)
- Sunstone Soap (W)
- baseline (W)
- terra verde soap & candle co (W)
- The Bubble Process (W)
- The Lovely Teaspoon (W)
- The Oak Leaves (W)
- ttishbite (W)
- Valerie Tyler Designs (W)
- WORN Fashion Journal (W)
- Zoebelle Designs (W)
- The AntiCraft Collective (W)
- Blown Glass Creations (E)
- Epiphany! (E)
- Girly Pants (W)
- sirens symphony (E)