Friday Flashback: Holiday 2005 vendors
Thanks to the wonder of the WayBack Machine at the Internet Archive, we found some long lost vendor lists from our very first shows. We'll be posting them here in hopes they'll trigger the same good memories for you that they do for us.
- anezka handmade
- Gracie Sparkles
- Jenny Harada
- six dozen of one / Akron Stitch 'n Bitch
- Cleveland Stitch 'n Bitch
- Mr. Pickle's Room / Fatty & Humper Designs
- Hawkwolf's Armory & Accoutrements
- Lise Anderson
- Lynn Shoup / I Felt Like It
- Chocolate Bunnies
- Tiny Rat
- Zippull
- Madison Benjamin
- Aqua Cherry
- Sapling Press
- Artifactual Creations
- Blobby Farm
- Revamp'd
- Luscious LaVerne's
- Black Skull Bags
- ESP Designs
- Sierra Cole
- Miss Chief Productions
- Tekkat