SEVEN summer shows in 2014!

The application form for all seven summer Cleveland Bazaar shows is now live. Please click here.

In addition to five dates in Ohio City’s Market Square Park (across from the West Side Market), this year the application for our event at the Larchmere Festival has been incorporated into the same form, as well as the application for our brand new event in Wade Oval, the Cleveland Food Bazaar!


If you are a handmade vendor whose products are food-related in any way (for example: aprons, or wind chimes made from recycled silver cutlery), you can apply to be a part of the first Food Bazaar using the form above.

If you are a food vendor (i.e. food truck, jam maker, popsicle maker, coffee roaster), please hold tight for the moment, there will be a special application just for you soon thanks to additional regulations and city requirements. We thank you for your patience! Join the Food Bazaar’s mailing list and we’ll let you know as soon as it’s live.